A Cold

 I’m getting ratty, impatient, snappy.
I can feel it coming. 
There’s nothing you can do now. 
The army has invaded your castle. 
No turning back now
No fancy remedies. 
Got to face up to it. 
I wake up stiff like the tin man
My throat is like a rabbit hutch
When did I run a marathon? 
My nose is blocked but my tap
Drip drip drips. 
I’ve run out of tissues
It’s only 10am. 
My throat is scratchy 
Here comes a cough. 
Barking like a rabid dog 
Annoying people around me 
I just want my bed 
But I’m ’not that ill’ 
According to other people. 
Feels pretty ill to me 
I can’t imagine feeling normal. 
Divide my life into 
Pre during and post cold. 
I’ll be a new man when this is over! 
I beg I plead. 
No more takeaways 
Only vitamin C! Please! 
Please I promise- only vitamin c! 


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