January drive home

 The rain attacks
Attacks me 
Sends icy needles
Raining down on me. 

The rain dances
Dances in the headlights
Laughing ghastily 
As it splashes. 

My wipers fight
Fight the rain
The traffic builds 
Mercilessly builds. 

I sit and wait
Wait for a gap. 
What’s the hold up? 
Why am I waiting? 

Waiting prolongs 
Prolongs minutes to hours. 
Snakes gather for
Miles. Endless miles. 

I start to tear
Tear my hair out
Teeth clamp on
The steering wheel

Blue lights I see
See them shining
Reflecting in 
The endless headlights. 

Then… nothing. Shock
Shock fills me up
I’ve lost half an hour
They’ve lost half a lifetime. 


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